LCI Aviation raised more than $1bn since 2019 – Helicopter Investor

Helicopter lessor LCI Aviation has raised more than $1bn of helicopter capital since 2019, according to the company. The figure relates to financings and refinancings through to June 30th, 2021, and covers a total of 25 transactions sourced from 20 separate financial institutions.

CEO Jaspal Jandu told Helicopter Investor: “We have seen interest from across the capital spectrum – from infrastructure funds, through to commercial banks and institutional capital. Investing in long-dated, hard currency and inflation-protected assets is seen as a positive for many clients in today’s economic environment.”

LCI predicts the industry will see 7,000 commercial helicopter deliveries in the next 10 years. “It is vital that we all help secure a strong capital base for this industry,” added Jandu.
In the company’s announcement on LinkedIn, it said: “Helicopters are eminently financeable assets and we have attracted new and diverse capital into the market by demonstrating their virtues which include long economic lives, full power-by-the-hour coverage, and mission-critical contracts.”

LCI Aviation launched a new helicopter co-investment vehicle with LCM Partners earlier this year.

By Yuvan Kumar, Helicopter Investor 

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